020 3 712 8524 / 07824512797busybumblebeeschildcare@gmail.com 115a Queens Crescent, London, NW5 4HE
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

camden childminders do get appreciated

what a lovely present l received from one of my little ones parents this week as a thank you present,...

Busy Bumblebees new fees for childminding in Camden

Busy Bumblebees new fees for childminding in Camden

There is now a new set rate for part time and day sessions and our normal opening hours are from...

New Childminding resources for 2015 lets Speak Spainish

After a lovely 10 day break in Spain, l managed to find some really nice new resources, a Spainish Hello...

Cheekimonkeys event O2 Centre Finchley Road

Did my first Cheekimonekeys Big Baby and Childrens Market today at the O2 Centre in Finchley Road, l managed to...

Camden Childminding Forum next meeting 11th February 7.15pm

The next Camden Childminding Forum is being held next Wednesday the 11th February 2015 at 7.15pm – 8.45pm at the...



l just sold two buggies that l did not need through webuyanybuggy.com, They provide a great service as being a...

Coram Fields Christmas Fair promoting Kallikids

Coram Fields Christmas Fair promoting Kallikids

We had a stall at the Coram Fields Christmas fair and lots of the children coloured in Kallkids bags and...

Gower Street coming along

Gower Street coming along

We have had a stressful month moving but are finally getting the new setting togeather here are a few pictures.

Cheeki Monkeys Big Baby & Childrens Market

Will be at the above on Sunday at 255 Finchley Road, NW3 6LU from 2.30 – 4.30 trying to sell...

Camden Childminders Training course

Looking forward to going to the Employing & Working with childminding assistants course being run by Camden Early years on...