020 3 712 8524 / 07824512797busybumblebeeschildcare@gmail.com 115a Queens Crescent, London, NW5 4HE
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

University College London – Working with Children Education & Wellbeing

bees_childmindingYes l have done it gone and applied for the above foundation degree, its part time which means l can continue to work and involves assignments that are based at your setting or workplace, l always said l would apply to do the degree and seeing as l now live in Gower Street their is no excuse.

Really hoping l get in as the course sounds great and University College London is ranked 5th in top universities feeling nervous.

Busy bumblebees Montessori childminding in Camden aims to be Outstanding for its next inspection visit so watch this space!!!

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