020 3 712 8524 / 07824512797busybumblebeeschildcare@gmail.com 115a Queens Crescent, London, NW5 4HE
Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Making bread

Cooking is always an activity that children find great fun, it is a very good way to get young children involved in an activity that teaches them the value of working together and sharing. Children will have to wait and take turns so it also teaches children how to be patient and to work together with other children.

This week we had great fun making out first Italian Focaccia, the children loved cutting the rosemary and mixing the olive oil into our bread mixture which was then kneaded for quite some time these develop skills of eye and hand co-ordination in using scissors and mixing with wooden spoons

This activity helps to develop fine and gross motor skills of counting and language skills and many sensory skills of physical development, smelling, and finally but not least tasting and eating it’s a great way to also teach children life skills of healthy eating. So get cooking with your children and teach them some great life skills for the future.

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