Montessori Pre-School Drop in Sessions with Spanish Rhyme time.
We are starting our Montessori and Spanish rhyme time sessions on Wednesdays from the 1st October. The sessions are for 1.15 minutes and are an opportunity to bring your child aged from 10 months – 5 years to learn about Montessori activities, these sessions will also include a Spanish nursery rhyme time session, and messy play activity the sessions need to booked a week in advance. The session are for children with their parent or carer.
The sessions are being held at Wendling Hall, 117 Wellesley Road, London,NW5 4PA and cost £5 per child and £2.50 concession for non-working parents and carers.

Please email or contact Dorothy on 07824512797 to book.

We hope to see you there.